Science for a better future

The human genome is the basic blueprint that is, in large, responsible for all human biologic behavior in health and disease.
Egypt Center for Research and Regenerative Medicine (ECRRM) is one of the research units associated with the Ministry of defense. It was established by a presidential decree in 2017 and has a legal entity affiliated with the Ministry of Defense. The center will initiate the Egyptian Genome Reference Project, upon the president authorization, in collaboration with The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and the Ministry of Higher Education, to help in the overall enhancement of the general health care in Egypt.


To be the leading hub, in the Middle-East and Africa, for the latest advancement in precision, personalized medicine and gene therapy.


Establishing a national Egyptian-genome reference hub that participates in genetic healthcare advancement for personalized and precision medicine, and gene therapy; through the use of highly advanced technology, qualified technical field experts and our wide range of national and international network, following the international quality standards.

  • Building an Egyptian genome reference that encompasses the genetic variants among Egyptians.
  • Researching/finding the genetic variants that are associated with the common and rare diseases within the Egyptian population, compared to other ethnical groups.
  • Studying and preventing some of the common Hereditary-Egyptian disease.
  • Determining Whole exome sequences of specific diseases.
  • Studying the novel target sequence of most prevalent malignancies among Egyptians.
  • Leading advancements in the field of precision and personalized medicine, regarding diagnostic and therapeutic methods.
  • Discovering the genetic predispositions responsible for endemic diseases.
  • Enhancing the general public health through studying specific Egyptian genes related to non-communicable diseases.
  • Collaborating with the biggest national research centers and The Ministry of Higher Education, along with future collaboration with international common entities, for the exchange of expertise.
  • Creating an efficient national bioinformatics center that will serve our growing researchers’ need.
  • Establishing one of the biggest national biorepository in our region.
  • Developing and maintaining professional development programs and continuing educational programs, to serve our nation.
  • Maintaining international quality and ethical standards.
  • Increasing our international publication, to aid in global scientific advancements.
 Funding Sector
The Academy of Scientific Research & Technology (ASRT) was established in September 1971 by the Presidential Decree No 2405 as the national authority responsible for science & technology in Egypt. As the national think tank and the house of expertise, ASRT provides strategic and fore sighting studies, and consultations to the Egyptian government and decision-makers on all science, technology, and innovation (STI) related issues, recognizes excellence in science, benchmarking research institutions, and raising the scientific culture awareness of the society. As the main governmental supporter of the STI system, ASRT proposes, funds and follows the implementation of National STI projects, with a special focus on, innovation, basic and emerging sciences, and multi-institutional multi-disciplinary mega projects, through different funding mechanisms such as National Research Consortia (NRC), Knowledge and Technology Alliances (KTA), and National Scientific Networks (NSN). In a prompt response to the Covid-19 pandemic, ASRT prepared and published a strategic study entitled: COVID and Post COVID Priorities and Preparedness of Egypt STI (March 2020).  One of the main recommendations of this study was the immediate necessity to establish the Egyptian Reference Genome, to meet the future advancement in personalized and precision medicine revolution. Approved by ASRT council no. 176, ASRT launched a competitive call for the “Egypt Genome” project and a consortium, headed by Egypt Center for Research and Regenerative Medicine (ECRRM), won the grant. For more information about ASRT please visit
 Executive Sector
Egypt Center for Research and Regenerative Medicine (ECRRM) was established in 2017 by presidential decree as the national and regional reference center for infectious and public health diseases.

The organization vision is to be one of the accredited and high-quality scientific based research centers in the field of advanced medical research and regenerative medicine to contribute in improving and enhancing the health care of the Egyptian and Middle Eastern communities.

The center is managed by a board of directors headed by The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces and selected by The Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and The Minister of Defense and Military Production, for a period of three years, which is subjected to be renewed.
 Core  Value






Team work

Ethical standards
The Egyptian Knowledge Bank is an initiative that has been launched by President Abdel-Fattah El-Sissi During the National Science Day of 2014.

And through it, the specialized councils of the presidency started to launch several national projects concerned with educational development.
 Get  in touch

Egypt Center for research and regeneration medicine


Cairo university


Alexandria University


Mansoura University


Orman Hospital Tiba Luxor
